South Africa’s water security faces unique challenges that require tailor-made solutions. From the effects of load shedding to failing water infrastructure and the increasing threat of severe weather events, ensuring reliable access to water is essential for the nation’s development. In this month’s blog, we delve into the specific context of water in South Africa and explore how Broadreach and Kampwater are leading the way in delivering innovative water security solutions. Let’s explore in greater detail the key factors influencing water security and the transformative impact of sustainable financing options.

Load Shedding’s Toll on Water Infrastructure:

South Africa’s struggle with its energy crisis takes a toll on our already strained water infrastructure. Power outages disrupt pumping systems, treatment plants and distribution networks, intensifying the challenges faced by businesses and communities. The interdependence between electricity and water supply highlights the role of reliable access to electricity in maintaining the water supply. Without a stable supply of electricity, water treatment procedures are compromised, water storage and distribution become unpredictable, and the ability to respond to water emergencies is hampered. The resulting impact on businesses, households, and essential services emphasises the need for combined water and energy solutions

South Africa’s Water Scarcity and Climate Vulnerability:

As a water-scarce country, South Africa’s dam infrastructure is insufficient to meet the growing demands of its population. The nation averages 497mm of precipitation annually, which is only slightly more than half the world-wide average of 860mm. This scarcity is further exacerbated by the water-intensive nature of coal-fired power plants, which remain South Africa’s principal source of electricity.  Coal-fired plants require significant amounts of water throughout their supply chain, including extraction, preparation, incineration, dust, pollution control, and waste disposal. Eskom, the national power utility, consumes just over 10,000 litres of water per second, equivalent to the amount a single person would use in one year. 

The 2018 drought crisis across the country serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for sustainable water management. In addition, climate change intensifies the challenge, leading to increased variability and intensity of rainfall patterns. In light of these pressing concerns, Broadreach recognises the importance of proactive measures to secure sustainable water sources, enhance efficiency, and build resilience against future climate risks.

Financing Water Solutions for Sustainable Development:

Meeting the country’s water needs requires significant capital investment, and innovative financing techniques. Through partnerships, equity investments, and structured projects, Broadreach empowers businesses to embark on sustainable water initiatives. By alleviating financial constraints, we enable clients to implement efficient water treatment systems that deliver long-term water security, reduce operational costs, and promote environmental sustainability.

Our partnership with Kampwater demonstrates the power of collaboration in addressing complex water challenges. Using our combined expertise, Broadreach and Kampwater provide integrated solutions that encompass financing, design, construction, operation and maintenance of water treatment systems. This comprehensive approach ensures our clients can get on with their business, knowing their water needs are secured. 

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Regulatory Considerations and Compliance:

Navigating South Africa’s regulatory landscape for water treatment and supply requires adherence to stringent guidelines. Compliance with Department of Health regulations and NRS standards, including regular water testing, licensing, and quality standards, ensures the safety and integrity of a water supply. Broadreach supports businesses in meeting these compliance requirements, providing comprehensive guidance and expertise. By partnering with Broadreach, businesses can rely on a high-quality water supply that meets all relevant legal requirements.


Broadreach stands at the forefront of securing the nation’s water needs through innovative technical and financial solutions and strategic partnerships. By addressing load shedding, investing in quality infrastructure, and promoting comprehensive water management, Broadreach empowers businesses to thrive while safeguarding South Africa’s precious water resources for future generations. Contact us today to secure your business’ water security.


Conradie, B. (2020). Water Crisis in South Africa: Causes, Effects, and Solutions. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8, 135. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.00135

Department of Water and Sanitation. (2018). South Africa National Water and Sanitation Master Plan. Retrieved from []

Igamba, J. (2022). Water Crisis In South Africa. Retrieved from []

South African National Bottled Water Association. (2023). Categories of Bottled Water. Retrieved from [,the%20image%20to%20enlarge%20it.] 


Kampwater. (2023) Latest Completed Projects. Retrieved from [] Accessed: 07 August 2023